
今年是公司成立第40 週年,公司由1983年成立至今整整40年,能夠發展至今天的規模,得來不易。有賴所有同事不邂地跟隨老闆打拼,努力付出才能成就今天的 Linpo。



Kung Hei Fat Choy!

This year marks the 40th anniversary of LINPO, since the company was established in 1983. It’s not an easy task for the company to reach the current standard and scale. Loyalty of our team with all-out effort made is the key to success.

Pandemic crisis in the past three years has been a huge challenge to all of us, but we have finally made it tackled. Ending of the crisis is foreseeable and everything is resuming normal. Stay strong and connected. We all are looking forward to the 5th 10-year anniversary.

May each day of life bring the best and good health to all of you.

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